What Are the Different Types of Abortion?


Did your positive pregnancy test take you by surprise? If so, you are not alone. As many as half of all pregnancies are unplanned, according to the CDC

If being a parent just wasn’t part of your plan, you may be considering an abortion. 

Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your options may vary. 

What is The Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill is actually a series of pills that prohibit the pregnancy hormone progesterone from entering your uterus. In doing so, blood and nutrients are cut off from the fetus and the pregnancy is terminated. 

After ingesting the pills, your body will have labor-like cramping to expel the contents of your uterus. This can last hours, days, or in some cases weeks. 

Some women report extreme cramping and nausea. Other potential symptoms are heavy bleeding, hemorrhaging, headaches, vomiting, and lower back pain.

In some cases, a fever can signal an infection or be a sign of an incomplete abortion. You will need to contact your healthcare provider immediately in this case. 

Abortion is banned in Wisconsin, including the abortion pill. So you will need to travel out of state to be seen by a doctor who can prescribe the abortion pill to you after ensuring that you are within the 10-week window for the pill. 

What is A Surgical Abortion?

A surgical abortion usually happens in the second trimester and beyond. It is an abortion that happens in a clinic, rather than by taking medication at home. 

Most commonly surgical abortions are performed by suction aspiration. This will essentially be like vacuuming out the contents of your uterus. Your cervix will be mechanically dilated and you may be given a numbing agent, but typically do not need anesthesia. 

Risks to surgical abortion include tears to your cervix, uterine perforation, heavy bleeding, infection, future infertility, and incomplete abortion. 

How Much Does Abortion Cost?

Abortion is banned in Wisconsin, so you must factor in travel costs including hotels, flights, gas money, and food along with medical bills.

This includes the abortion pill. No doctors can legally prescribe it to you in Wisconsin. So you will need to travel out of state to be seen by a doctor who can prescribe the abortion pill to you after ensuring that you are within the 10-week window for the pill. 

The pill itself can cost upwards of $800, though most women spend around $500. 

A surgical abortion is much more involved and thus more expensive. It can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. 

It is always good to think ahead and plan for extra financial wiggle room in case of any complications that require further medical attention.

What Is Your Next Step?

If you are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, before you make any decisions regarding abortion you should get an ultrasound. 

This will tell you how far along you are in your pregnancy and will alert you to any potential complications. 

At our clinic, we offer free ultrasounds and can answer any questions you may have about pregnancy or abortion. We also can share more information with you about alternatives to abortion like adoption or parenting. 

You do not have to walk this journey alone. Please contact us today to schedule your confidential consultation.

More to Explore

The Abortion Pill: Before, During and After 

We have spoken of the abortion pill (also referred to as a “medication abortion”, “at-home abortion”, “self-managed abortion” or “chemical abortion”) in past blog posts.

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